Flash Memory 4.0 Debug Tool Used for Reading and Writing Program and Parameters of Mitsubishi Elevator KCD-1161D Board

As everyone knows, the Mitsubishi elevator MC card can be used for reading and writing program and parameters of Mitsubishi elevator control board, which likes KCD-1161D board. However, today ElevatorVIP will teach you how to use Flash Memory 4.0 debug tool to achieve it.

Mitsubishi Nexway Elevator Debug Tool, Mitsubishi Elevator MC Card, KCD-1161D, Flash Memory 4.0, Reading and Writing Program and Parameters of Mitsubishi Elevator Board

Mitsubishi Nexway Elevator Debug Tool, Mitsubishi Elevator MC Card, KCD-1161D, Flash Memory 4.0, Reading and Writing Program and Parameters of Mitsubishi Elevator Board

Mitsubishi Nexway Elevator Debug Tool, Mitsubishi Elevator MC Card, KCD-1161D, Flash Memory 4.0, Reading and Writing Program and Parameters of Mitsubishi Elevator Board

Mitsubishi Nexway Elevator Debug Tool, Mitsubishi Elevator MC Card, KCD-1161D, Flash Memory 4.0, Reading and Writing Program and Parameters of Mitsubishi Elevator Board

Mitsubishi Nexway Elevator Debug Tool, Mitsubishi Elevator MC Card, KCD-1161D, Flash Memory 4.0, Reading and Writing Program and Parameters of Mitsubishi Elevator Board

Mitsubishi Nexway Elevator Debug Tool, Mitsubishi Elevator MC Card, KCD-1161D, Flash Memory 4.0, Reading and Writing Program and Parameters of Mitsubishi Elevator Board

Mitsubishi Nexway Elevator Debug Tool, Mitsubishi Elevator MC Card, KCD-1161D, Flash Memory 4.0, Reading and Writing Program and Parameters of Mitsubishi Elevator Board

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