As we all know the MCTC-MCB-K1 board is based on Monarch NICE3000 system. It was very popular all over the world by customer for many years. But due to product iteration, the MCTC-MCB-K1 board was stopped for many years. Now, it is NICE3000+ system, but if the MCTC-MCB-K1 board was broken, the users will face serious challenges.

We have a regular customer who is from Dubai, who is also facing the same problem, the MCTC-MCB-K1 board was broken, and the elevator was stopped at the jobsite. He asked ElevatorVip whether there has a solution. Sure, we will use MCTC-MCB-C3 board with MCTC-PG-A2 card to replace MCTC-MCB-K1 board.

If you are facing the same problem, please just contact ElevatorVip.